Your campaign slogan is KIDS FIRST! What do you mean by KIDS FIRST?

Hopefully you have seen my blue and gold signs throughout the neighborhood, proudly proclaiming my philosophy.  KIDS FIRST!   With this slogan, I am referencing the three parties that are critical to successful K12 education, Kids, Parents and Teachers.   Our immediate focus is on the student, providing a setting where  every child can master the content of core subjects.  Students are energized and gain a sense of accomplishment when they master a greater understanding of the world around them.    For students who have difficult circumstances at home, success at school is transformative, knowing they are succeeding at something!

Teachers have the responsibility and opportunity to impact lives by setting up circumstances where learning can take place.  K12 years are for building a foundation of knowledge that a student will draw on for the rest of his life.  Several pieces have to be in place for this process to occur… attendance, the knowledge and engagement skills of the teacher, openness of the student, and the conduct of classmates.   It is my goal that every student would find at least one teacher, one subject, one school setting where they can find success through their efforts and the support of parents and teachers.  As a district, our number one priority is to put all the pieces in place for the benefit of our students.  We put KIDS FIRST!

Tomorrow, I’ll be writing about, What is a parent’s role in a child’s success at school?

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